Songa Energy is proud to be representing Burundi at the upcoming “East African Power Industry Convention (EAPIC)” in September 2016 in Nairobi, Kenya, where we will be joined by Mr. Jeroboam Nzikobanyanka, Director General of REGIDESO (the Burundi national utility), and Mr. Donat Niyonzima, the Director General of the Burundi Electricity Regulatory Agency. Daniel Brose, the President of Songa Energy, is on the Advisory Board for EAPIC 2016 and will participate with Mr. Nzikobanyanka and Mr. Niyonzima in a focus session discussing energy development and investment in Burundi. Songa Energy will share its experience as a one of the few independent power producers (IPPs) in Burundi, with the goal to help share the opportunities and mechanisms for new IPPs to invest in the nascent Burundi energy sector.