Songa Energy participated as a member of the Burundi delegation to the EAPIC conference on 21-22 September in Nairobi, Kenya – joining a delegation from Rwanda and Kenya to discuss government incentives and opportunities in each country’s energy sector. Mr. Daniel Brose (President of Songa Energy Burundi, 3rd from left) was joined by Mr. Wilson Tangishaka (far left), representing the Burundi utility company, REGIDESO; Mr. Jean Bosco Nduwimana (2nd from left), a senior legal advisor to the Burundi Ministry of Energy and Mines; and Mr. Donat Niyonzima (4th from left), representing the Burundi Electricity Regulatory Agency. In attendance at the conference were several representatives from other IPP developers in Burundi – including Gigawatt Global, Swede Energy, and CRD Sweden.